How to Build a Pond for 10 and a Weekend, DIYPond, Budget Friendly, Backyard Projects
DIY Decorative Pond: How We Built It in Just One Weekend for Only 10 In this video, we show you how we created a beautiful pond from scratch using just cement, sand (in a 1:3 ratio), and some regular facade mesh for reinforcement. We even found some stones around our backyard to use as decoration. With the help of a trusty shovel and my wife s artistic touch in handplacing the stones, we created a unique pond that fits perfectly in our outdoor space. The final pond size turned out to be around 130150cm in diameter, and we re thrilled with the results. Check out the video and let us know what you think in the comments And if you enjoy our content, don t forget to hit that subscribe button for more DIY projects like this one. ,DIYPond, BudgetFriendly, WeekendProject, OutdoorLiving