Andre Manuel Kraaien
Such a cool The lyrics Crows The crows on the fields black as ravens will roar with laughter on the day This boy goes to his grave the procession from the church against all my wishes a last evening in the cafe but the family didn t feel like it they re such good citizen people grey sparrows cowardly I can protest all I want They carry me to my grave where the righteous crowd mourns listen to the pastor in its heart a good lad and the crowd nods obedient while I d rather have seen my coffin on the bar, the lid off A joint going around All of you drunk as hell and you talk bullshit and then the last booze ordered on which a clear fellow thinker Calls for a taxi move these boy at the window Bring bread and coffee and drive in the hollow of night all together to the sea put me straightup in sand wipe the dirt of my face sing to t