Solving THE HARDEST Lock Puzzle in HISTORY LEVEL 10
Today I will attempt to solve the most difficult lock puzzle ever created. Known as the T11 Popplock by Rainer Popp This Lock Puzzle is hand made, milled from raw metal in to a 5 lb Massive lock which requires 13 steps to open There are traps and each move must be precise Popplock site: Lock Blog: BUY PUZZLES HERE: , ChrisRamsay, Puzzle, Lock CHRIS RAMSAY MERCH: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: LEARN A TRICK I CREATED HERE: LIKED A SONG I USED GET IT HERE: GAMING CHANNEL: MY MAIN SECOND CAMERA: BEST LENS FOR VLOGS: BIG LENS FOR BROLL: TOP DOWN CAM: MIC: TRIPOD: Website: IF YOU WANT TO SEND ME STUFF: Chris Ramsay CP 50011 BP. Galeries Des Monts StSauveur, PQ Canada J0R 1R0