Con West 2020: Tiffany Tseng Packages, but in 3 D
Presented at Con West 2020: Ever received a beautiful geometric gift box (from a Japanese pastry shop, for example) and wondered how it was made It turns out theres a whole world of packaging design techniques and patterns Unfortunately, many of these patterns exist only in print via packaging design books. These diagrams need to be translated to digital formats before they can be easily cut on a machine and assembled by hand In this talk, Ill share how I built a web app called SVG Tracer to translate photos of packaging diagrams to digital SVGs that can be directly sent to any Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) desktop cutter. Ill introduce some useful JavaScript SVG libraries and show some pretty boxes that I created with the tool By the end of the talk, youll learn about how SVGs are an awesome medium for bridging art, programming, and fabrication. , bangbangcon, bangbangconwest, bangbangconwest2020