Specific Vocabulary Describing Ages for IELTS Task 1
Today well talk about specific vocabulary describing ages for IELTS Writing Task 1. Visit for the simplest and most effective IELTS strategies. In IELTS Writing Task 1, you often have to write about statistics according to different age groups. Students usually have trouble paraphrasing these ages. Also, you may need vocabulary related to different ages of people in Writing Task 2 or on the Speaking Exam. To score highly for Vocabulary, you mustnt repeat yourself. This means you need to use synonyms, or more specific words, phrases in your writing and speaking. Age Paraphrases and Specific Vocabulary: Age group age range, age bracket Specific periods of life infancy, toddlerhood, youth, childhood, teenage years, adulthood, mature individuals young adult, midlife, elderly, golden years, seniors elementary school years, junior high, middle school years in ones 60s, pushing 60 (age 58, 59), late twenties (age 28, 29) Golden years is an interesting idiom for ones old