Alice in Wonderland Percy Stow Cecil M. Hepworth (1903)
Alice follows the White Rabbit down a mysterious hole and finds herself in a strange new world. Music by Kymatic (Samuele De Marchi) 2010 Alice falls asleep in a wood and dreams she sees a white rabbit, which she follows down a rabbit hole and through an underground passage. The rabbit leaves Alice in the hallway of many doors. On a table she finds a golden key, but finds the only door the key will open is too small for her to get through. She finds a bottle on the table labelled Drink Me. She does, and it causes her to shrink until she is small enough to get through the door. However she is then too short to reach the key, which she left on the table. Finding a cake labelled Eat Me she tries it, and grows again to a huge size, grabs the key, and then fans herself smaller using a fan left by the white rabbit. Now very small, she goes through the door into a garden, where she sees a big dog, and then enters the rabbit s