How this tiny Camera has SAME quality as ARRI ALEXA
This video has been shot entirely on THAT camera. But the point is something The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare I was making a camera review, but in the process of making, I realizatied something else and the whole video changed to the thing your watching right SHOT ENTIRLY ON A7IV CAN YOU GUESS THE LENSES 00:00 THE RESEARCH 00:25 Most Important feature in a 00:57 . .. is DYNAMIC RANGE 01:30 2K is better than 8K 01:45 Cameras Dynamic Range Ranking 02:09 TOP 10 CAMERAS ON THE LIST 02:36 The only MIRRORLESS on list 03:00 WHY NOT FX3 or A7S III 03:30 How to get Highest Dynamic Range on A7IV 04:05 SKILLSHARE for Cinematographers 05:00 If It s A7IV, Why Nobody used it on Hollywood 05:40 FX3 has the highest quality in RAW. 06:20 a 1000 camera is also that good 07:00 Facing the 07:42