Globalization: Winners and losers in world trade (1, 2), DW Documentary
Globalization used to be a guarantor of economic growth. No longer, and the losers are poorer nations. They have restricted access to global markets and are largely excluded from beneficial labor migration. Part 2: Unfettered access to the worlds economic markets should boost prosperity and foster peaceful international coexistence in theory. But which countries take advantage of the opportunities presented by global competition And which countries avoid it, preferring to protect their economies at the expense of the poor And why does free global trade preach the unrestricted movement of goods, while setting limits on labor migration With these questions and contradictions in mind, we travel through the US, Peru, Senegal and Europe. An agreement with China means the former steel producing center Duisburg is eyeing a renaissance. America, on the other hand, blames China and globalization for its declining steel industry. Billions of US dollars are invest