MISOTHEISMUS Demo I (2021) Iron Bonehead Productions full demo
Direct links are provided to purchase the demo on cassette and digital format. Additional links are given for Iron Bonehead Productions. Demo I release date March 19th, 2021. Black metal hailing from Sweden. Cassette (Iron Bonehead Productions webshop) Digital format (Iron Bonehead Productions bandcamp) 00:00 1. Jag Förbannar Ditt Namn 02:58 2. Skändad och Styckad 06:17 3. Lögnens Slut 09:37 4. Utrota Kristi Följare Iron Bonehead Productions Homepage Facebook Instagram SoundCloud YouTube Promotional purposes sanctioned by Iron Bonehead Productions. , MisotheismusBlackMetal, IronBoneheadProductions, MetalVault