From Magmas to Fields: a trippy excursion through algebra So ME2 3b1b
A gentle introduction to the most basic definitions in Algebra (and how to make them stick forever). If you always struggled to remember what a field is this video is for you. You will learn about: 0:00 This videos aim 1:20 Sets 1:52 Magmas 3:15 Semigroups 4:39 Monoids 5:22 Groups 6:04 Commutative Groups 6:36 Distributivity from now on 7:43 Rngs 8:13 Rings 8:23 Fields 9:20 Neutral element(s) 9:59 Recap This is a submission for Summer of Math Exposition SoME2 from 3blue1brown. , SoME2, 3blue1brown, 3b1b, algebra, magma, semigroup, monoid, group, abeliangroup, rng, ring, commutativering, field, associativity, neutralelement, inverses, commutativity, distributivity, trippymath