May Velkazar 2932t S13 R9 Cleo DPS No Shea No Bans Kings Raid
Notes: Very tough and unexpected changes all around. It has been a week full of testings, ups and downs. Some answers to the most asked questions I ve received about the current GC meta: Isaiah contributes slightly more than Shea in terms of damage, but she also provides a powerful layer of RNG removal by dealing with 3rd skill knockbacks. This by no means guarantees a phase 10 but puts odds in your favor. This is especially valuable for Hanus. Kicking Shea from the team is not an easy feat. It requires a lot of regearing and care just to stay alive, most importantly in the tank hero and others like Mediana or May who tend to prefer full ATK builds. Estelle is in charge of CC Immunity, which is not as easy as it looks as her uptime depends on her AG state. Improper play or very bad rng will get a team stunned, sometimes at critical points. Coordination with Isaiah player is of great importance. This team composition is only viable if the players can capitalize in its power properly. If not, Shea is