BMW 328i E36 0 Vmax Acceleration
The FULL acceleration test of the BMW 328i e36 193 hp М52B28 engine 1995 year. It was a stock 318i. Then the inline6 2. 8 M52B28 engine was swapped in this car. Now it is as fast as the US M3 e36. Remeaning mods: M50 headers, deleted cats, custom exhaust, open 3. 15 diff and cold air intake. I m not shure about the ECU. Because the owner says that it isn t chipped, but the rev limiter is above the standard (6900 RPMs vs 6500 in stock) Video conteins: 0Vmax Top Speed run 0235 km, h 0187 km, h 1st, 2rd, 3rd