Racism in To Kill A Mockingbird, Antiracist Media Literacy Analysis
In this antiracist media literacy analysis, The Antiracism Academy will discuss the racism in To Kill a Mockingbird. This video is an examination of the racism and prejudice exhibited in the book with evidence provided. To Kill a Mockingbird is a southern gothic novel written by Harper Lee, an author from Alabama. This novel is a bildungsroman taught in many literature classes to high school students taught by many teachers. The main character of To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) is Atticus Finch. In the movie adaption of the novel directed by Robert Mulligan, Atticus Finch is portrayed by Gregory Peck. Tom Robinson is portrayed by Brock Peters. Scout is another important character in TKAM. Go Set a Watchman was the first draft to TKAM. 00:00 Introduction 00:46 , 1 To Kill A Mockingbird is OVERRATED 01:42 , 2 Atticus Finch Promotes White Complicity, and the Black Characters are OneDimensional Afterthoughts 03:54 , 3 The Plot Plays on Racial Rears and Stereotypes while Whitewashi