Realistic Cherries STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting ( CBF Presents)
Sasha Kurban has started a unique challenge; painting one new acrylic painting daily and posting a new tutorial video every day, for 365 days. Sasha s YouTube Channel: Sasha is a Swiss Artist that has just launched her YouTube channel. Materials list down below: Grey710 Ivory black Titanium white11 Blue pastel Permanent green deep619 Green light505 Venice red39 Dark cadmium Yellow Hue52 Terra Rossa 63 Cadmium Red Hue 33 Transparent Red Med 317 Dark cadmium red Hue Flat Round Brush 18 Flat round brush 10 Kolinsky sable 0 Kolinsky sable 00 Kolinsky sable 1 Round cotton pads Canvas cotton 18x24 cm Pencil carandache 0, 5 Enjoy, and please be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE LIKE if you found this helpful FREE Resources: