Golden Eagle Aka London Eagle (1961)
Great Witchingham, Norfolk. M, S and C, U of an amazing Golden Eagle called Bokhara, tethered to a pole in a garden. M, S as Bokhara s owner Philip Ware comes into shot; the eagle flies onto his arm and is fitted with a hood. C, U of the bird s talons; Philip walks off with the bird. M, S of a large Eagle Owl. Philip and Bokhara are seen at the cage of a Malayan Sun Bear; Philip takes the hood off the eagle briefly so he gets used to seeing other animals without attacking them. Philip places Bokhara in the back of a Land Rover and his wife, Patricia, drives it off. C, U of the Eagle Owl watching. Philip walks across a field, takes a canvas lure containing pieces of meat out of his satchel, blows a whistle and starts swinging the lure around. This is his signal for Patricia to release the eagle; she is presumably a fair distance away. She takes Bokhara s hood off and he flies to Philip. Great M, S of Bokhara swooping along quite close to the ground and landing on the lure. He starts eating, with h