DIY No Zipper Denim Backpack with Side Pockets From Old Jeans, Bag Tutorial, Upcycle Craft
DIY No Zipper Denim Backpack with Side Pockets From Old Jeans, Bag Tutorial, Upcycle Craft MATERIALS: old jeans cotton fabric for lining ( I use old bedsheets for my lining. ) scissors ruler, tape measure clips, pins tailor s chalk, pen sewing machine, thread needle paper snap button seam ripper MUSIC: Dreams by Jonny Easton Link: Genesis by Jonny Easton Link: Gift by Jonny Easton Link: Thank you so much for watching I always appreciate your time and support. Have a beautiful day and see you again next time Irene REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE for a better tomorrow. , ireheartcrafting, DIYBackpack, bagtutorial