( FREE FOR PROFIT USE) Mac Miller Type Beat HOW I FEEL J Cole Type Beat
IMPORTANT: Any use of our beats requires credit in the title (Prod. S S). Any social media use of our beats requires credit to us instasebzo You can use the beat without lease and keep 100 profit on youtube soundcloud, but please subscribe tag (prod. S S) in the title You need to purchase a lease for platforms like Spotify or Apple Music Instagram: instasebzo Email: Beatstars: Don t Reupload this video Dont put Copyright on your Song unless you got Exclusive Rights , freebeat, freeforprofitbeats, freeforprofittypebeat, SEBZO Regardless if you ve purchased a license or not, you can t register your song on BMI, ASCAP, WIPO, OMPI, SIAE or any worldwide copyright organization or any other Content ID system UNLESS you have