TREES OF ETERNITY Hour of the Nightingale FULL ALBUM
I don t have any profits from this. Buy official album here: All rights belongs to Trees of Eternity and Svart Records ATTENTION If you are part of this band, or their label and you want this video to be deleted, just write me at and I will delete it. TREES OF ETERNITY Hour of the Nightingale (2016) Tracklist: 01. My Requiem 0:00 02. Eye of Night 6:01 03. Condemned to Silence 12:06 04. A Million Tears 17:29 05. Hour of the Nightingale 24:43 06. The Passage 30:18 07. Broken Mirror 36:32 08. Black Ocean 42:27 09. Sinking Ships 49:28 10. Gallows Bird 53:05