Stars At Home Billy Merson The Well Known Comedian (1922)
THIS DIGIBETA VERSION HAS BEEN MADE FROM THE PRINT VERSION ON TAPE PM0864 WILL PROBABLY BE BETTER QUALITY AS TAKEN FROM THE NEGATIVE. Eve s Film Review visits Billy Merson at his home. Golf s one of my hobbies, said Billy as he trained to take it out of Colonel M, S of Billy dressed in white and smoking taking shots against a practice net. But the river s my chief attraction anything with water in it always fascinates me L, S of Billy and a female friend walking down the steps of a cute house on a riverbank. They are followed by two friends and when they get to the river s edge they wave at someone off screen. Exercise Why bless us we live on it Shots of Billy and his friends jumping and diving off a board in their garden into the river. There is also a slide which everyone has a go on. C, U of Billy splashing around with his children ( ) in the river. C, U of Billy in a cosy cardigan having a small sherry. He toasts the camera. End title reads: And the same to you.