Dark Souls 3: All Boss Themes Complete OST
All of the music we hear in Dark Souls 3 when encountering a boss. The themes create a tense atmosphere really gets the players fearing for their lives My personal favourite is the Soul of Cinder theme, what s yours Thanks for 700 subscribers guys (As of November 2017). Can we reach 1K If you wish to support our channel, be sure to click, tap that subscribe button Timings: 0:00 Iudex Gundyr 5:37 Vordt of the Boreal Valley 8:32 CurseRotted Greatwood 12:04 Crystal Sage 14:56 Deacons of the Deep 17:35 Abyss Watchers 19:52 High Lord Wolnir 22:50 Pontiff Sulyvahn 25:24 Aldrich, Devourer of Gods 28:21 Yhorm the Giant 32:44 Dancer of the Boreal Valley 35:55 Oceiros, the Consumed King 38:54 Ancient Wyvern 40:47 King of the Storm 42:52 Nameless King 44:59 Dragonslayer Armour 50:32 Lothric Lorian, the Twin Princes 52:49 Old Demon King 54:43 Soul of Cinder For more Soulsbor