Reverse Visceral Fat Chronic Inflammation NOW with Sean OMara, MD, JD
Regardless of your current age and condition, you can reduce visceral fat and chronic inflammation, and improve your health markedly. Visceral fat and chronic inflammation are very dangerous, and are the worst enemies of your health. Here are simple steps to reduce visceral fat and simple steps to reduce chronic inflammation that you can start applying to your life today. Dr. Sean OMara is a former Police Officer working undercover in narcotics, organized crime. He graduated Penn State in 1985, graduated Villanova University School of Law in 1989. Then attended medical school and trained as an Emergency Medicine physician. In 2006 Dr. OMara founded Guardian 24, 7. Dr. O Mara began to research, explore and innovate techniques for both preventing and reversing disease. In 2016 he was awarded a grant for the National Science Foundation for research on Reversing Chronic Disease using innovative Biomarkers such as Visceral Pericardial Fat. Today Dr. O Mara is the on