Serpent Column Endless Detainment (full album, 2020)
A new Serpent Column release is upon us, and it is a psychotic, malevolent rush of nine tracks delivered through a 22minute maelstrom of blackened violence. The ep is available from Mystískaos now Digital is NYP, vinyl is up for preorder, and a limited singleedition run of tshirts. Band: Serpent Column Album: Endless Detainment Year: 2020 Label: Mystískaos Country: USA Genre: AvantGarde Dissonant Black Metal Join the cult: Order ov the Black Arts: Album: Tracklist: 1. Pantheoclasm 00:00 2. Violence Aesthete 03:24 3. Manure in Pearls 05:26 4. Wars Waged in Private I 07:07 5. Wars Waged in Private II 09:11 6. Antihelical 12:12 7. Άράχναιν 13:49 8. Endless Detainment 16:43 9. Each and Every Temple 20:36 Support the artist visit their pages, buy their work Artist: Bandcamp: Facebook: Metal Archives