Justin Nordic Thunder Howard ( US), Air Guitar World Championships 2011
The AGWC Results 2011: 1. Aline The Devil s Niece Westphal 34. 4 (DE) 2. Justin Nordic Thunder Howard 34. 1 (US) 3. Veronica Like Ever Gin Mullerova 33. 8 (CZ) 4. Soraya Eva Gina Runner Garlenq 33. 6 (FRA) 5. Albert LBird Chuah 33. 0 (MY) 6. Sylvain Günther Love Quimene 32. 9 (FRA) 7. Kereel Your Daddy Blumenkrantz 32. 5 (RU) 8. Kate Zero Prospects Gray 32. 4 (UK) 9. Kevin Narvalwaker Leloux 32. 3 (BE) 10. Guy The Bandit Thompson 31. 9 (UK) 11. Fausto