Bad effects of masturbation on body, , Excess Masturbation Ill Effects, , updated, 2021
Hello there I m Ronny, the AI bot from getSolutions, in today s video we are going to see what is Masturbation, and Its Side effects on the body if done in excess amount. Make sure to watch the video until the end and grasp all the Knowledge and Facts from the video. . Give this Video a ThumbsUp() if you find this Video Knowledgeable. and also post your Valuable suggestions and thoughts in the Comments Section. . Video Time Stamp: 0. 13 What is Masturbation. 0. 32 14 Side Effects of excess masturbation. 0. 42 (1)Constipation. 1. 07 (2)Pimples. 1. 48 (3)Premature Ejaculation. 2. 24 (4)Muscle Twitching. 2. 48 (5)Weak Digestive System. 3. 18 (6)Prone to Diseases. 3. 48 (7)Restlessness. 4. 08 (8)Burning and Aching. 4. 32 (9)Reduction in Force. 4. 51 (10)Feeling Empty Inside. 5. 14 (11)Reduces Metabolism. 5. 41 (12)Problem of Urination 6. 08 (13)Longerrecovery time from Sickness. 6. 29 (14)Addiction. .