MCLAREN 570 S Road Review Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
MCLAREN 570S, in this Road Review, something very special occured, the folks at YC Auto Group suprised me with a Mclaren 570S, I intentionally steer away from reading reviews on cars because it clouds my dialogue, and I literally do my reviews without a script, and stream of conciousness. The Mclaren 570S is simply theatre at first glance, absolute rolling artwork. But this is Chasing the Apex, we don t focus on the aesthetics here, we take cars out and give them a proper thrashing, on some proper twisty bits of road. That s where you begin to understand regards of what Mclaren says, the Mclaren 570S is a proper Supercar. Mclaren likes to call the 570S the sportscar of it s line up. I can tell you, they re lying to you This Supercar simply comes alive on a twisty bit of road, it conjures emotions you didn t know you could have. From the moment the Hydril door open, you ll be wondering how the British create such brilliant driving experiences. In some revi