Luca Olivieri Merry Christmas Baby
Luca Olivieri is defined as a great performer and an extraordinary musician. Born in Verona in 1962, he discovered the guitar at the age of three; since then, a passion has been born which grows over time, becoming a fundamental element of his artistic sensitivity and his way of being a musician. The first sixstring approaches, which take place between the ages of 8 and 14, are aimed at classical studies and, while waiting for the turning point in his life, Luca acquires the first necessary and indispensable technical bases. The first shock of classic Luca, is caused by a myth of several generations: Elvis Presley, of which he assimilates the culture and the setting in voice. But very quickly, Luca s personality takes over, making him a unique performer and musician. Bewitched by the Memphis Sound he abandons the classical guitar; The artistic influence of Scotty Moore, Arthur Smith and Duck Backer is fundamental to understanding how an Italian boy can end up falling in love with musicians