The Orthodox World View by Father Seraphim Rose
In this talk discussing the signs of our times all the way back in 1982, Father Seraphim Rose discusses the importance of having an Orthodox worldview and why it is more difficult to build one today than in centuries past. Father Seraphim says that for Orthodox life in the past Orthodoxy was not spoken of as something separate from any aspect of our lives. He says you lived the Orthodox worldview provided by the Church and society. Father Seraphim goes on to say: Today, on the other hand, all this has changed. Our Orthodoxy is a little island in the midst of a world which operates on totally different principlesand every day these principles are changing for the worse, making us more and more alienated from it. Many people are tempted to divide their lives into two sharply distinct categories: the daily life we lead at work, with worldly friends, in our worldly business, and Orthodoxy, which we live on Sundays and at other times in the week when we have time for it. But the worldview of such a