Al Fayrouz fish farming project
EDECS company participated in the implementation of the construction works of this mega national project for the National Company for Fish Aquaculture under the supervision of the Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces. The fish farming project is considered as the largest fish development project in Egypt. as it produces about 75 of the general fish production in Egypt, And the area of fish farms is 15 thousand acres furthermore establishing free fishing lakes with an area of 10 thousand acres. EDECS implemented all of the marine works in this mega project as the gates of water entering the lakes, the eastern and western breakwater and the floating pentons, likewise EDECS participated in the construction of basins, roads, fences and a dockyard for fishing ships, boats and auxiliary marine units. The project aims to achieve selfsufficiency in fish to abolish the gap between production and consumption and not to resort to imports. , EDECS, construction, engineering, success, marineco