Celebs Who Insulted Wendy Williams On Her OWN SHOW
Celebrities Respond To Wendy Williams HATEFUL insults Wendy Williams is undeniably one of the most infamous day time television hosts to ever scrape up a career. She constantly tells her audience that she is only saying what everyone else thinks to make herself feel better about making absurd degrading or offensive comments while in reality, she does nothing but talk down on celebrities for her own personal gain and attention. Nothing more than to spread hate and malice. Throughout the years of being the star of her own television show, The Wendy Williams Show, as well as having had her own radio show over a decade ago, she has never failed to constantly disrespect some of the biggest names in the industry while simultaneously complimenting them to mask her crude words. This has led to multiple cancel movements against her show spread across the internet with trending phrases such as Cancel Wendy Williams or Wendy Williams Is Cancelled. Click HERE To Enter The GIVEAWAY