My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RPG, Update 5 Part 2
PLEASE READ THIS: The current objectives for this game are: Most of the mane six, Celestia, Luna, and Nightmare Moon as playable characters at some point in the game. The main playable party consists of original characters to avoid conflicting with the ongoing character development of the Mane, main six. We re aiming for a unique battle system that combines existing concepts with new ideas to give it a sense of strategy, instead of simply holding a button to win a battle. Different map themes for different sections of the overworld. Different battle musics for each section. A growth system that both challenges and rewards the player. Homages to both the community, and the best examples that defined what gaming is today. Cupcakes and muffins. The fantastic pony pixel art is made by Sakuyamon: in collaboration with Additional sprite work by Corin Lee. Prog