BREAKING DAWN, April in 85
1st full album release WONDER WAVE WALKER収録 BREAKING DAWN MV words music:yuichi abe director:FILMZERO by sentaro cast:miri 1st full album WONDER WAVE WALKER 01LUCIFERIN 02WONDER WAVE WALKER 03DNA 04隣室は水槽泡音しか聞こえない 05REMEMBER 06NO ETERNITY UTOPIA 07OCEAN 08BREAKING DAWN 09GIVE(mizwidth remix) 10SUNSHINE GLOW 10tracks included 2, 500(LRCD013) KOENJI High April in 85 presents THE DREAMING BAY, 2 full album release show April in 85 THE NOSTRADAMNZ CIVER O. A :the Plutos open 18:30, start 19:00 3, 000, 3, 500(+1D)