THE BLUE ANGEL (1930) New Exclusive 2019 Re release Trailer
THE BLUE ANGEL Der blaue Engel is one of the first German language sound films, and the picture that represents the initial collaboration between Josef von Sternberg and his immortal muse, Marlene Dietrich. Following up his role in von Sternbergs great silent THE LAST COMMAND, Emil Jannings portrays a schoolteacher named Immanuel Rath, whose fateful expedition to catch his students frequenting the cabaret known as The Blue Angel leads to his own rapture with the establishments main attraction Lola (Dietrich) and, as a result, triggers the downward spiral of his life and fortune. Directed by von Sternberg while on loan from America to the pioneering German producer Erich Pommer, THE BLUE ANGEL is at once captivating, devastating, and powerfully erotic, lacedthrough with Sternbergs masterful cinematography. From here, the director and Dietrich would go on to make six more films together in the span of five years, and leave a legacy of some of the most indelible iconography in the cinema