Are You Ready To Communicate With Belial Now : Guided Spiritual Communion With Belial
In this video I ll guide you through a process of initial contact with Belial, using scrying, sigil magick, meditation, incantation and visualisation. This ensures you can subtly commune with Belial I what some refer to as astral communion or even astral evocation, this isn t exactly astral projection. Instead you commune with this entity by expanding your awareness, perception and observation beyond yourself not in the astral but In between the physical and astral itself. The items you ll need for this are below. 1. Sigil Of Belial 2. Bloodletting Tool Lancet, Blade (Optional) WARNING YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE AND SHOULD BE EDUCATED ON DRAWING BLOOD. 3. Two Candles Black or colours associated with Belial 4. Incense Blends associated with Belial or simple dragons blood (Optional) 5. Empty Alone Space Once the link between you and the demon is made, and you find your awareness beyond the confines of your surroundings the