Newtierra Still the Same
Dear visitors Newtierra Asylum is in a hurry to inform you that we are constantly changing like everything in this life. . However the essence remains the same and our crazy musical experiments continue Stay f(LUCK)ing crazy Follow Newtierra: Website: Facebook: VKontakte: Instagram: Twitter: Psychiatrists worked on this proc: Cover designer Ani Mari Text writer, editor Yuliya Tyurina Composerarranger, sound producer Artur Stepanov Drums recording Navaho Studio Recording, mixing, mastering North Cluster studio Newtierra Asylum expresses its gratitude to all the personnel involved in the creation of this proc: Arkady Navaho, Andrey Prokhorov, Bogdan Voronin, Sergey Vanyushin, Angelina Castro. 2020 Newtierra. All rights reserved. , newtierra, stillthesame, rock, mad, metal, asylum , music, alternative, band, release, new, single