This is a 42 minute Light transmission that comes through from Mary Magdalene for Magdalene Feast day, with an energy healing. Its aim is to help Light workers navigate the path from dark to Light for our own inner healing, for navigating our inner wounds that derive from the patriarchy, upon our path back into Light. Her main message is that, as we are now returning to the Light, we need to readjust to higher light energies, and so old emotions that are not in alignment with the new energies will arise for us to heal. So she encourages us to embrace these difficult emotions (not repress) and allow them. She says she holds the torch to guide us through. And this torch is Light and the Light is Love. We are to find Her love and this torch within us, within our own love for ourselves. As you listen to this transmission you will receive a healing and light activation within. For more light transmissions, please visit Image by Marius Michael George Background sounds by Budd br, br,