Tony Anderson Ariana
My mom, Ariane, died on September 21 after a 10 year battle with cancer. This song has been part of my process of saying goodbye. I still reach for my phone to call or text her from time to time, forgetting that she s gone. It s been a slow process of letting go, and I gather I m at the beginning stages of it all. As I wrote this song, I had a picture of mom and my sister Sharon in view. The two of them were in our garden in Nebraska in the summer of 1993 or 1994 those colors, temperatures and memories worked their way into every fiber of this time before difficulty, disease and loss. These years were the most simple in my life, and I wanted to imprint them in a lasting way. The very last thing mom said to me before she died was look for my I m still not sure what she meant, but I wanted the photo I kept near me to be the album cover because of the light in her eyes. These melodies are for you, mom and for your spirit living on in Sharon. I miss you so much. I wish you could have he