Dock Strike Troops Working (1949)
London Docks and Downing Street. MS. Woman s hand taking cakes from a tray pan up to queue of servicemen waiting at canteen. CU. Troops at counter of canteen being served. FCU. Head shot of young soldier munching sandwich. FCU. Another soldier munching. LS. Mass of dockers standing idle. MS. Dockers drinking tea. CU. Docker drinking tea. CU. Newspaper placard Dockers Defy Cabinet, Privy Council called, Emergency the King Acts. SCU. Newspaper man standing on street corner. LMS. Line of army lorries. SCU. Bale of goods being hauled out of hold of ship. CU. Head shot of sailor pan to his hands turning winch. LS. Elevated troops moving load in a sling. MS. Troops shifting carcasses from trolley. CU. Head shot of a sergeantatarms pan down to hands holding cat. CU. German notice on side of ship. Downing Street. CU. on the door of 10 Downing Street. MS. Sir Stafford Cripps Chancellor of the Exchequor and another man leaving MS. Pan along crowds waiting in Downing Street.