Strings, 3 Strings Orchestra In H D Part II 3 Hours
Welcome, Bonjour, Aloha This is Jeremiah and I have one more 101 Strings video for you here. We are so happy to give this to those who love Jesus, and we rejoice with you in the beauty seen in these images, and the wonderful string players here, as we thank everyone who helped make this esoteric event online gift from God to happen The theme of day is beauty, and heaven and purity. This video is perfect for this year s theme. Here at New Covenant, we have nearly 100+ videos that share the significance of beauty, and the holiness and purity, in the person of our Lord Jesus. That is where this beauty comes from, the Graced get delight, that we can inhale, and we are confident that you will eat the living bread, so you never lose the images seen here. That s the main point of the year, as we emphasize the obedience to the Commands of Jesus, so we can keep the light and color and design given to us on this trial basis. We must respond to the call to love the Master with al