ARMED FORCES: Troops leave Southampton and London for Shanghai: (1927)
GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The Coldstream Guards leave London for Shanghai. Royal Tank Corps unpack armoured cars for China. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: More Soldiers for Shanghai The 2nd Coldstream Guards leave London for Southampton where they embark for China ENGLAND: London: Coldstream Guards lined up on parade ground: troops, with their rucksacks, march away following band: troops marching past parliament and beside River Thames, over the bridge: troops on train saying goodbye to their families and train away: Southampton: Troops boarding ship: horse being loaded onto ship: SLATE: Men of the Royal Tank Corps in a London Dock unpacking armoured cars destined for China London: Royal Tank Corps unloading armoured car: armoured cars on opencarriage goods train: SLATE: Cheerfully shouting Chin Chin the 1st Yorkshire Regimen