Free Live Webinar: Healing from an Unloving Mother
As central as the motherchild relationship is to psychological health, that of the mother and her daughter has its own specificity. Daughters whose emotional needs werent met in childhood or who were actively disparaged, ignored, controlled, or scapegoated emerge into adulthood with specific deficits. They may not even know the degree to which theyve been wounded by their mothers treatment until they begin to flounder in life, embark on a series of failed relationships, find it hard to stay balanced and focused, or engage in selfdestructive behaviors. As counterintuitive as it sounds, many daughters dont even know theyre wounded because theyve normalized their childhood experiences. They may believe that the way their mothers treated them is how all mothers treat their daughters or, if theyre aware of the maltreatment, they may actively deny that it happened or that it hurt out of a sense of shame. Four TakeAways From This Webinar: Recognition of the patterns of maternal behavio