The Dark Inside Me Chapter 2 Trailer (2021), Psychological Horror Adventure, 2021 Upcoming Game
The Dark Inside Me Chapter 2: A Cold Bitter Touch Steam store page: You can buy ChapterI: Her Twisted Pleasures on Steam; ChapterI Trailer: Horror game from a horror movie director Akçay Karaazmak. The Dark Inside Me is a 2, 5d 3rd person, psychological horror adventure game. Game s new chapter, A Cold Bitter Touch will be released on Steam in Spring 2021. Web: Facebook: Twitter: Contact: Game Episodes of ChapterII; Episode 1: Angel In The Night Episode 2: Let me Die In His Arms Episode 3: Dark Sins Of MY Childhood Episode 4: Sisters Upcoming 2021 psychological horror game, The Dark Inside Me. GAME PLAY: Game is 3rd br, br,