12 8 2022 Mc Cloud, CA Major Winter Storms begin impacting West Coast heavy snow major travel imp
NOT FOR BROADCAST Contact Brett Adair with Live Storms Media to license. The first of two major winter storms hits California. The storm shut down Hwy 89 and temporarily shut down I5 with chain restrictions in place. This storm was the smaller of the two and the next storm is forecast to dump up to 5 FEET of additional snow making travel impossible along the mountain passes. Along with heavy snow the storm will likely produce blizzard conditions due to gusty winds in excess of 50mph. Shots of the many semi trucks stuck along Hwy 98 backing up traffic as tow trucks and plows took hours to unwind all of the mess. Drone shots show many of the stuck semi trucks. Other drone shots show the backup on Interstate 5 and CalTran enforcing all cars and trucks to have chains on the vehicle.