Vips In And Out (1962)
Full title reads: London. VIPs In And Out. London Airport. GV Aircraft taxiing in front of the camera. CU Japanese man taking photograph. SV The Japanese party leaving the aircraft with Mr Hayato Ikeda, Japanese Prime Minister coming out, second camera pans down with the first man. SV Mr Ikeda as he steps onto the tarmac and he walks over towards the welcoming party. SV Women walking along. SV Mr Ikeda on right walking with Mr Harold Macmillan. (2 shots). GV Queen s building. SV Mr Ikeda shaking hands with Mr Macmillan in the shadow of the Queen s Building. SV The Duke of Edinburgh s car coming to a standstill and Prince Philip steps out and walks over to the official farewell party. SV The Duke talking to Foreign Secretary Lord Home and others. GV The Quantas aircraft which will take the Duke to Perth, Australia. SV The Duke leaving the officials and walking towards aircraft and up the steps. CU Security guard. SV The Duke walking up steps of aircraft, he pauses and waves, then walks into the air