The Darts ( US) Breakup Makeup OFFICIAL VIDEO
From The Darts 2019 album, I Like You But Not Like That, (2019 Alternative Tentacles Records) comes the single Breakup Makeup, a tortured tale of, well, breaking up and making up over and over again. Videography: Kelly Sahr. Direction: The Darts. Editing: Nicole Laurenne. Starring: Bob and Kate Hoag. Composer: Nicole Laurenne and Rikki Styxx. Recording engineers: Bob Hoag (Flying Blanket Recording, Mesa AZ) and Paul Roessler (Kitten Robot Studios, Los Angeles CA). Producer: Bob Hoag. Mastering: Jason Livermore, The Blasting Room (Ft. Collins CO). Absentee Thought Overlord: Jello Biafra.