Ars Onirica, Daydream ( Official Video), Doom Metal
Taken from II: Lost, out September 23rd via Ardua Music. Preorder here: ARS ONIRICA was born in 2003 as a full band but after a splitup it came back to life as a one man band thanks to Alessandro Sforza (Invernoir, Veil of Conspiracy). This second opus II: Lost takes the sound of the previous album to a higher level, with more intensive melodies and slowered tempos. Alessandro on Daydream : This song talks about a man extremely fascinated by the sunset by the sea and remembers all the beautiful moments he spent while looking at it. It was the only way for him to escape from a sad reality that he never expected. In the end he decides to drown on it not only to put an end to his life but to become part of the beauty he always LYRICS When the sun goes down I find peace Drowning in my daydream The lights are devoured by the sea While I l