ep19 Dominica, 6 months after hurricane Maria part 2 HR54 Cloudy Bay April 2018
s, v Cloudy Bay (HallbergRassy 54) spent 10 days in Dominica, discovering an amazing destination for the ones looking for active vacations, and meaningful tourism. Dominica has spectacular scenery with breathtaking views over the volcanoes peaks or from the top of them. Truly a nature island. We visited Dominica 6 months after hurricane Maria left deep scars, but even so we loved it all, imagining just how much more beautiful it must have been before Maria. In part 2, we anchored in Prince Rupert Bay and visited the north half of the island: Portsmouth, Indian River, Fort Shirley, Calibishie, Pointe Baptiste, Chaudiere Pool, Kalinago Territory. It was all an unexpected surprise, way above expectations, and we felt very safe both in the anchorages and while visiting inland. April 2018