Selected Originals Queen Sees Championships (1952)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for Queen Sees Championships 52, 52. Mute version of Newsreel Story first shot not superimposed. White City, London. SV. Queen Elizabeth II at White City greeting athletes for the AAA (Amateur Athletics Association Championships). SCU. Queen smiling and chatting with athlete, pan to Princess Margaret. LV. Crowd. SCU. Starter holding pistol. SV. Start of 880 yards. SV. Race under way Roger Bannister lying second. SV. Feet running round track. SV. Bannister overtakes No. 1 and sprints on alone. SV. Towards, Bannister breaks tape. CU. Roger Bannister. LV. Start of 440 yards. Arthur Wint, running on inside lane, behind other competitors into picture. SV. Pan, other runners striding out on own. Wint appears in picture and runs easily past them. Takes lead. SV. Wint finishing. SV. Pan, 100 yards final. Off. Macdonald Bailey in lead from start, passes post. CU. E. Macdonald Bailey. LV. Queen watching 1 mile race from box on sta