Were Not Gonna Take It
A little motivation to keep the fight alive. To those who think this was made as a call for riots and violence, I ask, did you watch the video If riots and violence are what you got from this, you missed the mark completely. This video is antiriots, antiviolence. Its about The American People peacefully assembling, standing against violence and chaos, respecting our flag, standing for freedom. Standing behind the only person who dared to brave DC and shine a light on the swamp that its become. The video pays homage to all Americans who stand by our President, who will not abandon him to fight for this country alone. Its a reminder to the powers that be that the American spirit can only take so much before action is required. The American People are sick of the lies, disinformation, manipulation, censorship, corruption, hypocrisy, greed, and tyranny that is a pandemic of its own. There are powerful people willing to let this country burn to the ground to hide their true intentions and corruption, BU