UPPER BACK ARMS workout with BALLERINA Maria Khoreva
This workout is one of my recent favorites In this video we re doing a WEIGHTLESS ( ) arms and upper back exercises and It s going to help improving your posture overtime and make your arms more toned and strong in just under 15 minutes. I ve put my favorite ballet inspired moves in this workout and you re going to need only a fitness mat to complete it So hopefully you enjoy working out with me today and your arms and back feel a good old burn afterwards Don t forget to work against yourself, remember about resistance in each exercise and keep checking on your form. I know you ll be doing beautiful And now for the exercises this routine consists of: 1. Swan arms 2. Back behinds 3. Back bows + port de bras 4. Arm circles 5. Straight arm back pulses 6. Crisscross chest raises 7. Overhead diamond We re going to do each move for 1min 15sec and do a 10sec break in between them. DONATE if you want youtube.