Black and White Shawl 1 Warp
Starting the new year (MMXXII) with a warp of 10, 2 mercerized cotton, hoping to get two shawls out of this. This video covers the measuring and winding on of the warp, dressing the loom. Don t you just hate naked looms Time codes 0:00 Intro 0:21 What warp 1:40 Measuring the warp 3:41 Adding choke ties 6:07 Chaining the warp 8:31 Put cross over lease sticks 8:53 Tie warp to back metal rod 10:22 Lashing to back beam 12:52 Removing choke ties 14:33 Winding on front view 15:59 Winding on back view 16:43 That s all folks Music in this video was downloaded from the YouTube audio library, all tunes may be played with out any further attribution.